Good nevves from France. - Containing the insolent demands of the Iesuites. Being against 1. The Kings authoritie. 2. The ordinary iustice of his Maiestie. 3. The dignitie and power of the cardinalls, archbishops, and bishops of other orders & professions. 4. The young scholars vnder them. 5. The good and well-fare of the townes and cities which receiue them. 6. The perfection of sciences. 7. The antiquity & commandements of the Church. 8. The resolution of the clergie of France, and the letters patents of the Kings; and against the sentences of allowance and registring thereof, which they themselues haue pursued. Together with the decree or finall iudgement of the Kings Privie Councell giuen the 27. day of September 1624. in the ioynt defence of the vniversities of France. And against the Iesuites

(Translated according to the French copie.)
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Printed by Iohn Dawson for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop, at the three golden Lyons, neare the Royall Exchange. 1624 England, London [2], 26 sidor.